Saturday, August 05, 2006

Never Again

I was thinking about relationships and I had a realization that is pretty naive, but what can I say, I’m slow. I’m going to pose this as a question and take it from there.

How many people that you have been romantically involved with are you still in contact with? I’m not talking the one-night stands, or the couple of dates and it isn’t going to work, but the real relationships.

None? Maybe one or two at most? Am I close? Isn’t it a little odd? There was a time when you looked at that person and didn’t want to be without them. They were a major part of your life and lifestyle of that time. Now they are a shadow of a memory. It just seems strange to me.

It’s natural, that’s life, so what? It just seems strange to me. A human being, not a car or DVD, was a part of your life and now they are nothing. I’m not saying that they haven’t had an influence on your life, your evolution as a person. I just am having this moment of wrapping my head around giving up a person.

I get that as a person, change is going to happen. Sometimes you just grow in different directions and that’s that. Each relationship helps you discover what it is you want in a person. So hopefully both people got something out of it, but I can’t stop trying to grasp it today. A person is discarded like a toy you’ve out grown.

“So what, John? It happens to everyone. Nature baby, nature.”

My point is that there was a time when this person meant everything to you and all of that just fades away. Weeks, months, years go by before you even think about them and you wonder what it is you found in them in the first place. There might be some good memories, or if you dated me, bad memories. In the end though we just move forward and get on with life.

For all I know one of them might have died. A morbid thought, but it happens, people cease to exist for one reason or another. I’d know nothing about it and go on with life like everything is fine.

It’s just this thing that entered my head and I'm finding it mysterious right now.

Odd right? Silly and simple minded, right? I’ve never claimed to be a genius. I don’t know much about this world and why we do what we do, I just have a lot of questions.

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