Monday, August 07, 2006

Bring On The Ha-Ha

It’s funny how unfunny I am.

Actually it seems to be more with my writing than how I am in life. In conversation, I can whip out the comebacks and one-liners, but right now I have no idea how to put humor to paper. Not even bad jokes are coming to my mind.

I’m putting this pitch together for this show, which is a comedy and I can’t think of a damn thing. Is it me, or should I just junk the idea because it’s not inspiring anything from me.

I’ve been told that I need to add more of my personality to the pitch, but I suddenly don’t feel like I have any personality. My brain feels like a giant brick wall with nothing coming in or going out. I need some sort of stimulation and I can’t figure out what it is.

I’d say that things like this were easier back when I was drinking and druging, but anything was funny to me then. The dumbest things cracked me up, so I don’t know what was legitimately funny and what was chemical based.

Man this is frustrating. I need to relax, but can’t I feel like I have a deadline, even though I don’t. I just want to get this thing moving.

Maybe it’s fear of rejection. I don’t want to work too hard on something that won't get made. Maybe. I don’t know I can’t even really come up with any good excuses or reasons. I just feel dead in the head.


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