Monday, August 21, 2006

Not My Usual Day

So I had sent a script I had written to a friend of mine, Todd, a couple of months ago. He wanted to read something I wrote and I sent him a piece I’d written a few years ago. I figured it was something he might enjoy.

I hadn’t heard anything from him until last week when he called to apologize for not reading it sooner. His feedback was very positive and his suggestions were well thought out and very concise to what I was trying to say with the characters and story. I basically left it at that.

Last night I was at Aaron’s and we were outside having a smoke (don’t tell his wife.) He’d mentioned that he and Todd had spoken and they had a plan to encourage me to go back and do some work on the script. They both feel it has some real potential and just needs some work. I responded saying I’d think about it and maybe I’d give it a read.

So for the hell of it, I pulled it out this morning and gave it a read. It wasn’t half bad. Having not read it for so long it was interesting to go back and read about these characters I’d created. Not only was it interesting, it wasn’t half as bad or in need of work as I remembered it being. So for the first time in three years, I opened the file on my computer and started working in some of the ideas Todd had mentioned and made a few changes I felt were necessary.

It was the best day I’d had in forever. I really enjoyed working on it and figuring out how to solve the problems at hand. I felt really good being with me. For the first time in a long time I liked being me and it had nothing to do with having someone else in my life or depending on other people to keep me entertained. None of that stuff that can distract me from my own reality. It was me, spending time with me in my own world. A world I enjoyed being in. I felt comfortable in my own skin and that I was, in a very private way, preparing to put something out there in the world that was mine.

To put it simply, I felt alive and it was me doing it.

I want to thank Todd and Aaron for urging me to go there. For stepping up and saying that basically, I’m a good guy and I do good work. So thanks guys. You’ve helped me get back in touch with a part of me that has been missing for a very long time.

Let's see how long I can keep it going.

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